CelebJihad? What’s up? When reviewing a website, I’ve never been more shocked, amused, disgusted, and ultimately conflicted. Even though you know that I look at a lot of strange and wacky things, Celebrity Jihad is completely different. Does it seem too good to be true? Continue reading to learn more.
Smut and satire together?
First and foremost, the most distinctive feature of CelebJihad is that it advertises itself as a satirical website. Despite all of the skin pictures and videos, the site’s creators claim that it is not a pornographic site. Celeb Jihad says, „CelebJihad.com is not a pornographic website, at least officially,“ despite the countless hours of pornography. „By visiting this website, you acknowledge that the subject matter contained herein may concern matters of sexuality.“ „This Website contains adult content that may include images, text, sounds, and videos of a sexually-explicit nature and are intended for a mature audience.“
Yeah, that’s a great way to hide who you really are. Whether or not you have a blog section, you are a fucking porn site if you post enough porn to last a hospice patient a lifetime.
Nevertheless, the blog section contains a lot of in-depth satire and opinion pieces; however, in order to comprehend, you must follow the character of the author or authors of the blog posts, and this section of the website is actually a little amusing.
CelebJihad is an Islamic fundamentalist-created „not-porn porn-ish site,“ as the name might suggest.
The author(s) know how to produce off-color content, or at least as close to it as I can get.
Similar to someone else I know.
If you can get to the blog section of the website (more on the design of the website later), you’ll find ranting and raving posts that sound just like what you’d hear Osama and his friends talking in the caves of Afghanistan.
For instance, Durka discusses the glorifying of paganism and even „perverse sexuality“ in a review I found of the first Harry Potter movie.
(It’s just as terrifying as it sounds if you don’t know what that is.)
Yes, then. The person in charge of CelebJihad really likes to make fun of people who practice radical religion and also writes some funny jokes.
Columns on Celebrity Gossip However, there is a lot of shallow gossip, which I believe the reader is supposed to take seriously. I have no idea, but at best, some of it reads like the immature nonsense that thirteen-year-old girls would talk about in middle school. Worst case scenario, some of the posts make me think of the gossip magazines that can be found at grocery store checkout counters.
According to CelebJihad’s disclaimer, „CelebJihad.com is a satirical website containing published rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, fiction, and factual information“ appears to be an effort to distinguish themselves from being merely another digital gossip publication. This website’s information should not be taken as fact because it may or may not be true. The proprietor of Celeb Jihad does not guarantee the accuracy of any claims.
Therefore, aside from the occasionally amusing satire and some nude content (more on that later), the majority of the written content does not really contain any useful information, is not amusing, or contains anything sexy that can be read or viewed.
What a fucking exercise in futility!
In conclusion, the blog section is inconsistent, and the remainder of the website is, at best, subpar.
Good Basic Video Content Before we move on to the video footage, I’ll talk about the site’s more generic content. There is a lot of content that is in the public domain, at least by default, as the celebrities featured on the site typically don’t care that their naked bodies are already on the site.
You can get an idea by watching grainy, soft-core footage of Paris Hilton’s second sex tape. Additionally, there are compilations of images and videos of celebrities in sexy scenes, such as Emilia Clarke’s nude and simulated Game of Thrones scenes.
Although it’s not terrible, you can find the same items elsewhere at much higher quality.
Oh, and there are also a lot of silly photoshopped images of celebrities doing all kinds of bad things. I don’t really like it, but if you like good pictures that have been digitally altered, you might like it.
Sincerely, this kind of material is nothing more than weak wank.
But There’s Porn, and this website’s followers are also a bunch of idiots. You might come across something that is just as funny as the best blog posts. However, the majority of it is evidently a group of losers who have nothing better to do than to litter the internet with even more grammatically FUBARed and appear to get away with trolling one another for what must have taken hours.
And Shitty Web Design I’ve already talked a little about how bad the website’s design is.
Although that may be an exaggeration, the layout of the website is extremely careless. It’s simple to try to locate particular videos or celebrities, but that’s about the only thing done well. The layout is bad, there are no preview thumbnails, and it’s hard to find good blogs.
In addition, pretty much every time you click on a link, a new window and a link to a cam site or some other stupid spam appear in the previous tab.
Because my firewalls are pretty good, I don’t have to worry about getting malware on my computer. However, even if they have only the most basic malware protection, I bet that even if they only browse the website for a few minutes, they could end up screwing up their computer.
Responses to CelebJihad It goes without saying that CelebJihad—also known as „celebrity jihad,“ „celebrity jihad,“ and „celeb hijab“—is not for everyone. Based on what I’ve heard, the owners of the website probably don’t live in the United States, but they probably also don’t live in Afghanistan.
Summarizing the Website As previously stated, the profane and mockumentary content is quite amusing, and some of the photoshopped images are quite clever. On the other hand, there are not enough humorous posts and too much shallow gossip. There you go, if you’re one of those shallow asses who enjoys that stupid nonsense.
In addition, the jackass who runs this website refuses to admit to being a pornographer. However, genuine porn sellers employ original talent and possess genuine talent.