I masturbate obsessively. I try to cool down with some regular primetime television or blockbuster movies after spending the entire day reviewing porn sites. Regardless of whether or not the famous broads on the screen show their shaved twats, I always end up spanking them. In most cases, they never do, but when I see a girl like Brie Larson on the screen, I still have hope. Ancensored.com’s scumbags aren’t going to sit around waiting for it.
It’s pretty clear in the About Us section of Ancensored.com. A platform for storing, sharing, and viewing the world’s largest collection of celebrity nudes has been developed over the past ten years by this determined group of perverts. These figures back up the claim that every porn site is the best. Over 150 thousand videos and nearly a million naked photos of actors, singers, athletes, and even politicians are in the stash.
The front page of Ancensored looks like a flashy blog about celebrity news with naked celebrities and a wild ejaculation of spam. The creepy man in the logo, leering out with a camera in hand, is the only real indication that it isn’t. The website ought to have some good crap to look at if that man is doing his job well.
I returned to my browser by clicking the background on Ancensored after typing that paragraph. I was rewarded by the site by getting a dose of full-screen pop-up spam that broke my ad blocker. A poor strategy for making an impression.
In a box at the top, today’s featured and popular celebrities scroll by. Maisie Williams is at the top of the list because she recently removed her top from Game of Thrones. Before this, I had no idea who Sara Cardinaletti and Daniella Pineda were, but I will definitely check them out. Kelly Preston and Scarlett Johansson are featured and popular on Ancensored today, as they have always been on celebrity websites.
I received a pop-up that was supposed to look like a Windows error screen rather than a page of naked Sansa Stark. It filled the entire page while three robotic female voices informed me that my computer had been compromised and that I needed to call a phone number to fix it.
This kind of spam has been around before, but it hasn’t made it through my blocker in a while. It was very difficult to close the window, which kept re-opening until my browser intervened. When these old men tried to spank Elizabeth Olsen to her satisfaction, they are going to have a heart attack.
Your Favorite Naked Girls from Movies and TV One thing I really like about Ancensored is that they have large sections for movies and TV shows. This is much simpler than looking up nudes by name on some shitty websites. Go to the page for that show if you don’t know the name of the girl you’re trying to see naked but remember that she was on the US version of Shameless.
What is the most annoying aspect of the website? I did not go to the TV-Show page the first time I clicked the TV Show link in the header. Another full-screen advertisement arrived instead. Good goodness. I just want to see some titties from premium cable!
It turns out that Emmy Rossum is the name of the girl I was looking for. Ancensored has 26 photos and 5 videos of her, so I’m in luck. Shameless is the source of Emmy’s nakedness.
Since I only watched a few episodes a few years ago, I was surprised by how much content it provided for Ancensored. The website has two pages dedicated to the show’s actresses, each with its own collection. Naturally, each movie and television show has its own gallery of scenes.
An Encyclopedia of Celebrity Nudes‘ Excellent indexing is one advantage of Ancensored. Because everything is linked where it should be, it is very simple to browse. This naked chick appeared in a film alongside another naked chick, who performed a sex scene in a film with numerous other sex scenes. Similar to Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but with sexually explicit scenes.
(If you really want to play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, you should start at IMDB or something.) Many of his stunning co-stars are on Ancensored’s master list, but not him.)
Sneak Peek: The wacky movies in today’s Top 100 that I discovered. I expected a lot of big-budget movies from the United States, but it was just random crap like Island of the Long Ears (1990) and Timber Will Fall (2013). The 14 million people who use the website might just be a bunch of art snobs.
The Top 100 also includes a large number of other celebrity entries, which are tucked away beneath the sex scenes from Badbarbies (2014) and The Work Wife (2018). I’m interested in the newer one, but the 2014 thumbnail suggests Olivia Munn, so I need to look closer.
Ancensored is a mixed bag in the end. This celebrity nude website has one thing I absolutely adore and one thing I absolutely detest. How you feel about those things will determine whether or not the website is worth your time.
What is a good deal for access to a huge collection of videos and photos of famous naked girls? Let’s say it’s also well-indexed, making it easy to find things and fun to browse. Yes, a little bit of spam. With a few ads, each free sex site makes money.
However, Ancensored doesn’t just show you a few ads. With an ad blocker, the site looks clean and free of banners, but I had a major problem with pop-up spam. Some of it was pretty malicious and basically meant to steal from you. While Ancensored won’t steal your wife’s purse, they won’t stop the bad guys. Take care.
In the event that you can deal with some serious and perilous spam, Ancensored (frequently incorrectly spelled as „ancnesored“, „ancesored“, „ancencored“ and „acensored“) really has an extraordinary assortment of big name nudes and intimate moments. The best feature of the website is its amazing organization and indexing, which makes it easy to move from one naked actress to another. You’ll have a good time if you let your dick drive.