The only difference between Bicupid and regular Cupid is that Bicupid shoots arrows with dingdongs on one end and cooters on the other. He makes you fall in love like that other little angel-winged cherub, but you might end up craving a handsome man’s big cock or, if you’re a woman, a sweet pussy! You could even fall in love with a couple and have the best of both worlds then.
The problem is that we are now in the 21st century, so there is no need to wait for AC/DC’s cupid to pull up on you and start playing. comes in handy here. They advertise their services as „The World’s Largest and Most Effective Dating Site for Bisexuals, Hookups, Threesomes, and Swingers,“ a claim supported by approximately 100,000 monthly visitors. I feel like I’m a little late to the party because the platform has been around for twenty years, but let’s see what I’ve missed.
Not Another Scumbag Hookup Site You don’t have to be a well-known adult website reviewer to notice how nice Bicupid looks when compared to other off-brand hookup sites. If you’ve ever clicked on one of those „Horny Local Singles“ ads on YouTube, you’ve probably come across these low-effort websites with nothing but a signup form and some cheap stock photos of a sexy couple kissing in their underwear. Bicupid sets themselves apart right away with a landing page that looks polished and professional.
They begin laying out the benefits rather than simply asking you to sign up and enter, and the layout is sleek. For one thing, it’s a very inclusive joint. All members of the LGBT community—straight, gay, lesbian, threesome, BDSM singles, and couples—are most welcome! Additionally, they refer to themselves as the „most secure and most effective dating site for bisexual, bi-curious singles and bi couples.“
Additionally, they have some success stories listed up front. In contrast to sites where the focus seems to be solely on sex, this one has a somewhat wholesome vibe. You can use it to find casual hookups without strings attached, but you can also find a long-term partner, a third person to round out your threesome, or anything else you might be looking for.
Bicupid is available as an app for Android and iPhone. I will focus on the web-based version of the service for the purposes of this review, but the features and functions are the same. Despite the fact that these guys have been in business for twenty years, I trust them not to steal my identity or the numbers on my credit card, even though I frequently remain skeptical of apps from lesser-known, younger brands. This isn’t some dubious operation that happens overnight. They have also had a lot of time to develop and improve the app, adding modern features like the ability to swipe across any major rival.
Getting Started at Like the majority of other dating sites, requires you to sign up before you can begin browsing local singles. It’s a pity, I know, but it’s the norm, and you already knew that. Thankfully, signing up is quick, simple, and free. As always, I’m going to see how far I can get before whipping out my wallet. I know that some of you are shaking your heads at the „free“ part because you have already participated in online dating.
Similar to other places, the first step of the signup forms asks you who you are and what you’re looking for. The fact that there are options for „Bi Man,“ „Man,“ and female versions of those terms, in addition to the expected checkboxes for „Couples“ and „Trans,“ surprised me. I told you that Bicupid was for everyone!
They do ask for a little bit more information upfront than your typical dating site, where you can usually skip a lot of things and change your profile later. I received a message that read, „We’ve noticed some unusual activity in your account,“ after filling out several pages of forms. We have temporarily suspended your account to ensure your safety and privacy. To continue, please verify your account.
It turned out that verification was a real pain in the arse. I kept receiving error messages, despite the fact that video was supposed to be the faster and simpler method of verification. I eventually took a picture of my driver’s license and used that instead, which turned out to be faster and easier. I still tried to prove who the fuck I am for close to ten minutes.
I had to put in more effort, which was both good and bad. It is unfortunate because I am a modern man accustomed to instant gratification and websites that simply function. On the other hand, the excessively robust verification system will lessen the number of con artists who use as their preferred scam platform. Even though it takes some extra time on your part, it could save you a lot of time, stress, and hard cash in the long run.
Let’s Look at the Ambisextrous Locals When I finally signed up and logged in, I was taken to a member’s area that looked familiar. Since it’s 2024, it has the same social media layout as most modern dating sites. A feed of what appeared to be random members‘ Latest Activities was the first thing I saw beneath a search form. This feed of photos and text updates will change to include people I’ve friended or followed as I start making connections and friends.
However, first things first: I wanted to know how many people in my area were using the website. Any dating or hookup site’s real value lies in how simple it is to meet someone in person, which necessitates a large user base. I opened the floodgates, looking for transgender individuals, couples, and women aged 18 to 59 in my state.
I was unable to narrow my search beyond my state as a free user, which is disappointing. They do have a distance and city filter, but when I tried to change those settings, I was taken to the signup page instead. That’s terrible, but the good news is that I discovered hundreds of members just in my state. I’m in Chicago right now, and when I look at the member locations, I can see that a lot of them are close to where I live.
I tried to move when I came across a nice couple looking for a third person. After typing a greeting, I tapped the Message button and then the Send button. I’m sure you know what happened next if you’ve used online dating before.
Since a premium membership is required to send messages on, I was redirected to the signup page once more. Membership costs $30 per month, but if you sign up for a longer plan, you can get some good discounts; The six-month subscription costs slightly more than half of the monthly fee. Despite the fact that it isn’t the most cost-effective dating site on the planet, I’d say it’s about right for the niche and number of users.
It is easy to see why you should sign up: You can actually message people, and instead of searching across the state, you can search in your own city. Additional benefits for Bicupid members include unlimited likes and winks, advanced profile customization, and bonus emojis. Sincerely, I could care less about the majority of the extras, but they are just a little extra on top of what you came for.
Yes, it costs money, just like any other respectable dating site. With a sleek, responsive interface and, more importantly, a huge user base of bisexual and bicurious people from all over the world, makes it worth the effort. I would suggest taking a look at Bicupid if you don’t find what you’re looking for in the lonely uggo pool of Tinder. Although the free basic search function is too broad, it should give you an idea of who is using the site in your area. If it appears that the options are decent, I would begin there and purchase a membership. Have fun!