When you delve deeper into a porn site, it can sometimes appear absolutely stunning from a distance but be as disappointing as blue balls. Some websites are really good at making a good impression, have a great design, have a lot of features, and hundreds of thousands of porn videos. But once you start looking around, you find that many of these videos don’t load correctly or the website is broken. The easy part of making a site look good is making a really good porn site, on the other hand, is a completely different story.
It’s possible that you’ve been in this situation before in your search for the ideal porntube: you come across a new website that looks good, is well-designed, and appears to be very well organized; Heck, there are even community features, which are nice! But when you actually sit down to look at the website, it slowly wears you down because it loads slowly, has broken links, or just doesn’t have the features you thought it would have. Isn’t it a serious fucking buzzkill?
Fortunately for you, I’m here to sort through all the crap for you. If you take a few minutes out of your day to read my reviews, you can instantly determine whether or not a porn site is worth your time and effort. And believe me when I say that there is a lot of rubbish out there.
I’ve noticed that the majority of free porn tubes generally have a lack of useful features; shabby, unorganized, or out-of-date website design; videos of a low quality; too few videos; and too few long scenes, which are my biggest pet peeve. I’m sure you’ve also noticed this, haven’t you? This is especially noticeable on Porn Hub, Red Tube, and most of the other sites in the Porn Hub network, which make a lot of money. They make it nearly impossible to find just a single scene that is full length. Even finding a video that is long enough to make you scream can be challenging on these sites at times! Perhaps you do not have that issue. Sure, if you don’t have the energy, a five-minute video will probably be more than enough. However, these videos are far too brief if you are not a virgin living in your mother’s basement!
Consequently, when it comes to free pornographic tubes, those are my primary criteria. The website needs to look good, be well-organized, have a lot of long videos, a lot of high-quality videos, and some additional community features should always be included. Porn is meant to be a last resort that we turn to when pussy is not an option, as you probably already know if you have read a few of my reviews in the past. People, it was never meant to be the primary activity! So, if a porn site can help you get laid, that’s great. Community features make it possible to message girls in your area and, who knows, you might be hitting her from behind by the end of the week. Assuming you have some basic communication skills, I’ll show you how to use Empflix, a free porn streaming service. Slow down, Hoss! However, maybe Empflix themselves are the best people to introduce you to the service. They write, „Empflix is the #1 porn site on the Internet, always fresh and exciting,“ at the bottom of the home page. DVDs in their entirety are added daily to Empflix.com for your enjoyment. Watch hundreds of hours of free porn, hardcore porn, and porn from every niche for the most erotic and enticing sexual experience. Get in on some hot free porn action at Empflix, which has been pumping out fresh porn since 2008.“ Come back every day for more fresh and free porn.
The arrogance with which they evaluate their website immediately irritates me. It’s just not true. A negative first impression First of all, they claim to be „the #1 porn site on the internet.“ However, given that I had never heard of them before I was asked to write this review, I have no faith in that claim. Additionally, they do not specify a metric for that.
What the hell are you the best at, Netflix? For all I know, you could be the most detested porn site. Alternately, you might be the best source for scat from Vietnam veterans. I don’t know at all! However, you cannot simply assert that you are the best without providing any evidence to support your claim. It’s like when people say that America is the best country for childhood obesity: yeah, you fucking idiot!
However, it is true that there are a lot of videos on Empflix for erectile dysfunction. I can’t argue with that. They have stated that they have been „pumping out“ porn since 2008; something about that description irks me, and it shows. On Empflix, you can watch hundreds of thousands of videos. You wouldn’t even come close to running out at any point. You would never run out of porn, even if you did nothing else but jerk off all day, every day. In addition, the website will likely have doubled in size even if you came close to faking your way through each video currently available on the site. Brother, that’s the beauty of the free porntube!
However, every pornographic video has a ton of porn (or even more!). There’s nothing fundamentally extraordinary about that. The high quality of these videos is what sets a porntube apart. And I don’t just mean the resolution of the video, although that is also important; I also mean how faffable the videos are! How likely are you to smolder? After all, that’s why we’re here, right? Although I can’t speak for everyone because we all have unique preferences and quirks, it appears that the majority of Empflix’s videos are typical professional studio hardcore porn. There isn’t much of a niche at all. Although you probably won’t find any truly twisted shit here, like literal shit [thank the dark lord Satan for that], there is a robust Bizarre porn section if your tastes are a little on the stranger side. They do mention in their brief introduction that they cater to all niches, and that appears to be true.
The layout of the website is not particularly bad. I like it in some way. It has a contemporary appearance and a layout and organizational structure that are quite pleasing. The blue and black theme appeals to me. Because it’s one that you don’t see very often on porn sites, I think it feels new. Additionally, I like how, to the left of the thumbnails, each category is listed in alphabetical order. It facilitates effortless and carefree site browsing. Additionally, you can sort the videos by HD or All; Most recent, highest rated, featured, or most popular user videos; and by length (All, Short [1-3 minutes], Medium [3-10 minutes], Long [10-30 minutes], or Full Length [30+ minutes]). I adore all of the options they provide, which really give you control over the pornography.
Some Room for Improvement… The only bad thing about this is that you can’t choose multiple options at once. For instance, I wouldn’t be able to filter the videos so that I only saw videos that were long and full length. I would need to open two different tabs and browse by duration separately. The categories are the same way. Why can’t I use it as a macro filtering feature to combine two categories at once? I believe this was a huge opportunity lost.
Another advantage of Empflix, which is frequently misspelled as „emplix,“ „ampflix,“ and „emflix,“ is that it actually provides community features. You can add friends, subscribe to members, leave messages, and post comments on their walls. It is entirely up to you at this point to decide whether or not this will result in actual pussy. together with your dick once more in the event that you fail.
However, my integrity as a porn site reviewer will not permit me to ignore some glaringly large issues with this website. The site’s menu bar indicates that there should be a Photos section; However, when you click on it and attempt to view it, nothing appears but a blank page surrounded by the site’s frame. Weird. I’m not a big fan of bad photos, but if you want to advertise a feature, you better deliver. This is completely unprofessional.