Individuals are exhausted! It is exactly that! Adult webmasters put in a lot of effort to create something original that no one else has done before in order to get a piece of the pie. Customers, on the other hand, use this situation to their advantage by continually demanding more and more.’s launch was precisely planned for this reason. Who in their right mind would connect the harem and the Czech Republic? Let’s just get real for a moment, the principal thing that entered my thoughts when somebody says Czech is a beginner chick blowing a dick in a recreation area for two bucks.
You can call me rude or judgmental, but that’s exactly what I am. Clearly, individuals are not satisfied with one chicken and one pussy in particular. Nowadays, horny fools want to see men surrounded by cocky, lusty women who would do anything for a second chance at fame. However, I made the decision to embrace the concept of a harem and European chicks. I’m just going to go along with the flow and tell you about this place. Andale!
I like the design, more or less because these folks decided not to deal with logos and crap. Put those damned letters in, make them big and bold, and quit. Not excessively irritating. Because All Sites and Log in are the only two options in the main menu, I immediately get the impression that is one of those rare tour pages. There are no videos, pornstars, or anything else like that. Being straightforward!
The dark foundation looks fine, the site is liberated from any promotions, and the difference of the dark foundation and orange/red as the feature variety looks alright. Although I am not overly pleased, I believe that the best word to describe’s design is „decent.“ Do you intend for people to consider your website decent? This section certainly wasn’t my style, but it could have been much worse. I often make excuses for things like a lack of diversity and amateur models, but I think that a website’s first impression is what makes it great or bad.
I wanted to save this for later because the site is part of an adult network, but the pop-up window just won’t let me! Okay, I get it now! Since is part of the Czech Authentic Videos network, you won’t have to worry about anything while reading this review. You’ll get a lot of stink, but you’ll have to pay for it. The prices for, a premium website with exclusive videos, will be revealed in a bit.
I want to concentrate on the thumbnails right now. The design of the website’s finest feature! A HD or 4K sign is affixed to the top of the thumbnails, which feature a brief video preview. is one of those websites that combines excellent camera work with elements of amateurism because the models don’t look familiar. I like the concept. Although you could consider the harem a fetish, it always gives off a cheap vibe when one man is surrounded by young women.
I want to check out the teaser! Praise God! At any rate something that simple humans get to watch on free of charge. I looked around before clicking play and discovered that does provide filtering tools in the form of tags and that all paying members have access to all videos for streaming and downloading. Naturally, once they have selected a plan and paid for it.
The trailer, oh my!
Although likes to refer to it as „harem business,“ the trailer conveys the impression of dorm room banging. You know, the girls who wait for their turn and rub their pussies while their friend is hit. All of the vixens are in their early to middle twenties, and the guys are just… What’s the point? The little girls get pounded, knead each other’s boobs, and gather around the prick to welcome a stream of jizz on their adorable, young faces. The substance is no-nonsense, and the camera turn out is great. It looks alright, yet that is the extent to which I would go with the modifiers. I still can’t seem to get that WOW factor, so I’m still waiting!
It seems to be the assortment of pornography on is under 100, which is certainly not no joking matter since the site is a piece of a major organization. Unfortunately, chose not to disclose any information about the uploads, so I am unable to provide any details. What do you know? I don’t even care! If a page expects customers to pay premium, it probably chose to keep this information a secret for good reason. In any case, you’ll be able to look forward to frequent updates.
What would take place if were a separate website? Is it capable of satisfying any requirements? The quantity of recordings isn’t sufficient, the models are not well known, and the page configuration isn’t especially alluring. Okay, the harem fetish is kind of unique, I’ll give you that, but this place doesn’t really stand out in general. What can you do to improve your mood? Chat about some extra content! We’re off!
For the price of one membership plan, you can access 29 sites! That is me empowering myself to continue onward and transform this drilling survey into something beneficial! The following is a list of my favorite Czech Authentic Videos websites: Czech Sauna, Czech Lesbians, Czech Pawnshop, Czech Supermodels, and Czech Solarium—a total of 29 websites. That’s a lot of extra material. You will be able to stream videos and download videos from a comprehensive network. Of course, galleries weren’t mentioned on the tour page, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there. It’s yet another secret that irritates me to no end.
More than 39,306 minutes of videos are promised by the network. That is a strange number! What occurred with showing the quantity of recordings? No, these Czech men come up with bizarre ideas like putting cameras in solarium beds and showing some freakin‘ minutes rather than the actual thing. The network claims to provide up to 4K videos and regular updates. Another irritating feature. 420p is up to 4K, right? Anything can be. On, the only thing that is clear is that all websites are optimized for all devices.
A monthly membership plan costs $1.00 per day. Simply put, that is a single payment of $29.95. $0.72 per day for 90 days of access (for a total of $64.95) and $0.56 per day for 180 days (for a total of $99.95) when paid all at once. You can pay with Visa or a credit card, but you must first sign up by entering information like your username and email. When you think about it, it’s pretty straightforward. Simply put, for some absurd reason, wants to transform something straightforward into rocket science.
Last but not least, a few wise words: the Czech women you’ll see here are not professional hoes. They seem to be models, they are youthful (18+) and fit, yet I haven’t seen a solitary milf anyplace on You will undoubtedly uncover one of the two milfs. You only need to watch more than 39,603 minutes of videos. In all seriousness, and I was damn unforgiving with, this is a decent put to spend your cash on, on the off chance that you are into European pornography.
I don’t coincidentally find these sorts of organizations consistently. Finding an entire organization where all recordings are of incredible picture quality is a difficult situation. Well, once more I hit the mark! The best part is the bonus content, but is also good. Check out that trailer! Pretty soon, you will figure out that not such countless things in this world are basically as hot as a line of stripped chicks on their pussyfoots, trusting that their turn will have a good time with a rooster. Harem! Seems like an amazing dream! Give it a shot, you idiots!