The very first pornos that humans ever observed were not drawn onto rocky outcroppings or smudged with fire ash onto bark. Instead, they engaged in imaginative play. Ancient men would sit alone in the forest and imagine the terrible things they could do to the sister of their best friend. Sadly, for tens of thousands of years, that was the only way to get hard. Because of this, you won’t ever see me hopping around in a time machine.
Busy Brains In this day and age of excessive stimulation, few people are still able to smother a chicken with their minds alone. Too many porn sluts have been loaded with enough sex to choke a goat, as I have witnessed. After seeing everything I’ve ever seen, I can’t go back to imagining things. I caught a man jamming his entire bald head into a dumb sluts pussy last night. I never would have known such things were possible without porn. To elicit such vulgar hedonism, porn is required.
The erotic tale could be told once language improved. Although it was far from perfect, this provided a far superior foundation on which men could build their fantasies. First of all, you had to listen to the story by sitting around the campfire with a dozen other guys. Can you imagine what a dozen cavemen with their cocks out would smell like? Presently add the fragrance of waste based lube to that, and you have the recipe for a limp penis.
The First Circle Jerk, however, I believe the circle jerk was created at this time. Consider it briefly. You might as well lend a helping hand to one another if you already have to sit next to some filthy, sweaty motherfucker while wanking your willy. However, it can’t be very pleasant to be jerked off by a hunter-gatherer. The caveman’s cock was rough and calloused as a result. It was necessary for it to withstand the daily blows from its host body.
These tales were unable to travel from public experiences to the privacy of one’s own tree fort until the written word was created. There was just you and your dick at this point, and you could fake anything you wanted. If I may, that is the dream.
Even though it has been around for a long time, Victorian literature made its mark. Literature’s insane sex is the result of all that public sexual restriction. You might think that erotic books only talked about showing wrists and ankles, but that was only done at formal dinners. It was about fucking watertight nuggets and having anal sex with raccoons when people read in their bedrooms. In real life, I wouldn’t recommend fucking a raccoon, but reading about it sure is fun.
Erotic literature enjoyed a golden age in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The invention of the camera brought an end to it. Men are creatures of the eye. We have no choice. However, this did not mean that porn was out of the question.
Smutty books were written by women for a long time. We are all familiar with the stereotypical image of a mother in the 1990s who is dissatisfied with her husband and loses herself in books about centaurs fucking slave girls. While reading them, did the ladies show any interest? Some.
Women flipping beans had not yet become ingrained in popular culture. Naturally, they weren’t blaming themselves because many didn’t know that clits existed. Nowadays, every woman has at least one sex toy.
My readers ought to have one, too. Do you truly believe that you can control a woman’s orgasm with just your will? HA! I say! No, I say, HAHA! No matter what methods you employ, getting a woman to break her nut will be difficult, if not impossible. You are kryptonite to a lady’s climax, yet you have essentially better possibilities on the off chance that you utilize a vibrator. To be fair, using a stunt double increases your chances even further. I can be rented, but only if the girl can fuck me. I’m not here doing the Lord’s work to be laughed at. I’m attempting to cream pie the scum.
Evolution of Smut Nowadays, erotic literature has moved online rather than onto the shelves. You no longer need to be well-known to publish erotica to reach the general public. Numerous sites that publish erotic literature welcome contributions from all. In a single day, you can go from having no fans to thousands. Authors can effectively promote their works in this way.
However, I am not here to discuss writers today. You scumbags cannot spell. We are here to discuss resisting the written word. As you have come to expect, I have the ideal website for my readers who want to practice their reading comprehension and beat their meat to horror porn. Since Literotica is a leader in erotic literature, it should come as no surprise that their horror porn section has everything you need to sling ropes all over your fine china.
Design Although Literotica’s content is excellent, the website is not the best. First and foremost, there is a ton of unoccupied space. I initially assumed it was due to the site’s mobile-friendly design. That is, until I noticed a button that let me use the new mobile version. I don’t know what’s going on with the administration because a high schooler could easily fix the problems. First-time visitors are put off by poorly designed porn sites. It frequently indicates a questionable website with viruses. Fortunately, with Literotica, that is not the case. These guys are dependable and solid.
There is no main menu on the horror page, but there is an alphabet to help you find titles. There is a lot of content down the middle of the page. All of the most recent stories that have been published come first. Literotica is constantly being updated, so incorporate it into your daily routine. I wouldn’t want you to miss anything significant.
A list of „random erotic horror stories“ follows the most recent nonsense. Enough to make your head spin Literotica has existed for more than ten years. They have built a huge library over that time from which they can pull random content. When I said you would never run out of crap to read on Literotica, I wasn’t lying.
The erotic horror hall of fame comes in last, running down the center of the page. All of these are the Literotica stories with the highest ratings. Some of these titles include „A Stay in the Country“ (don’t trust rednecks), „Date with a Drifter“ (if you get killed while fucking a drifter, that’s on you), „My Life as a Rat“ (some might say that rats are just living breathing Fleshlights that wander around New York City subway stations), „The Hunt“ (that seems pretty self-explanatory), and „The Old King and the New Bride“ (sloppy title, The first thing is a list of the site’s contest winners. Literotica regularly organizes competitions. You ought to participate if you write horny shit. If all you want to do is read the best of the best, this is the place to do so. A list of the most recent comments made on stories can be found below that. I am not particularly concerned about that. Popular tags are next. Transformation, Mind Control, Demon, Bondage, Succubus, Vampire, Anal, Corruption, and Lesbian are among the classics included in this.
Trending stories are on the list from second to last. Trending for the day, week, or month can be selected. Last but not least is a list of well-known authors. To begin exploring Literotica, this is a great place to start.
The New Shit Before I conclude, let’s take a look at some of Literotica’s most recent additions. My favorite Literotica title might be „Cream-Filled Creature.“
Kim has a female companion she jumps at the chance to study with, and in some cases the two fuck. In any case, little does Kim has any idea that her companion has a cream fixation. She no longer consumes any other food at all and now eats only cream. The cream makes all pain go away. My cum definitely does, though I’m not sure about cream.
One of the best online collections of erotica literature can be found at Literotica. I can’t get enough of it, especially their archives of horror porn.
As previously stated, the poor design of the website is the only thing I dislike about the location. With a little patience and love, it could be fixed easily.
You fucks need to get your reading glasses and lube ready.