Today, Clip Hunter is available on the menu. How many hours per week do you think you spend on average looking for good material to fake to? Three? Seven? Fifteen?! I think we can all agree that searching for videos to choke your chicken to is an essential part of the pornoholic’s daily routine, regardless of how much time they spend doing so.
You take your supplies, such as lube, fleshlight, a virtual reality headset, headphones, tissue paper, and so on. After setting up (perhaps on the bed, at your desk, or on the floor of the bathroom if you’re feeling particularly nasty or have to fawn in secret), you spend the majority of your time pornographically searching through an endless digital slush pile for a few clips that you believe might just be enough to get you off.
If you are like me and have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD), you are likely to have more than twenty tabs open before you know it because you are easily bored and cannot resist the curiosity of recommended videos. Now you’re just sitting there, half-chewed and with more porn than you can handle—on the floor of your bed, desk, or bathroom. Under the strain of processing so many videos, you can hear your computer wheeze.
Because of this, having porn sites that are well-organized and simple to use is so important to us. It’s a never-ending search for tits and cunt, so we really need any help we can get to streamline the process and get rid of bad content. We don’t need to go through hundreds of thousands of poorly filmed 10-second videos of girls with average looks getting fucked by guys who couldn’t make them cum if their lives depended on it. We don’t need to go through all of those videos. We require the best of the best, and it is true that time is of the essence (blood can only flow to your dick for so long).
For the horny man on the go, there are, thankfully, sites like Clip Hunter does not play around with poor videos or a website that is a confusing mess. They’re here to help us with the heavy lifting of the porn search, so we can get right to work. Let’s face it: sometimes, we just don’t have the time to click our way through a pornographic rabbit hole for an hour or two. Before going to the bar, to work, or to our wife’s anniversary dinner (which she hasn’t had in nearly a decade), we sometimes require a quick fix.
Great Design of the Website From the moment the Cliphunter home page loads, it is clear why it is the best site for a quickie. The page is so organized, clean, and simple to use. More importantly, there are incredibly sexy women in every conceivable position and circumstance. The site has a new and sleek design thanks to the blue text and simple white background. Additionally, the thumbnails are just the right size—not too big nor too small; just right for quick identification and scrolling), and everything is organized in a convenient way for ease of use.
The homepage has three main sections: Top Porn Stars, Featured Videos, and Popular Movies are clearly separated. There are no muddled thumbnails or ambiguous labeling to contend with. Ah, how wonderfully refreshing. In addition, there is a lengthy list of categories that are clearly arranged in alphabetical order, and the letters that identify the links pop out at you. Again, designed for clarity and speed.
If you really mean business and have something specific in mind, you can also search for any keywords or actress names you like at the top of the page. If not, Cliphunter’s excellent website design will allow you to browse without interruption and quickly.
Community Features While we are still on the home page, another interesting feature is that they have a list of recent video comments posted by users at the bottom of the page. This seemed like a pretty original strategy for trying to locate videos based solely on what other people have said about them, sort of an impromptu system of word of mouth.
A link to the relevant video is included with each comment. „Keisha Gray is the „prettiest,“ and I would love to fuck her all day long!“ is one example of the top comment. Just follow the link to the video to learn exactly what the user meant when they put the word „prettiest“ in quotation marks. attempting with all my might to ignore the flagrantly incorrect use of the phrase „whole-day-long“ in your sentence. However, it appears that I am weak.
The following additional features are available to registered users (free registration): We’ve already seen that you can rate videos, create playlists, comment on videos (without proofreading them), and rate videos. All pretty standard, but I’d be pretty disappointed if any of them were missing.
Lastly, a Great Media Player The Cliphunter media player is almost as impressive as the design of the website. You can quickly switch between movie theater mode, which simply grays out the page outside of the video, and video quality options (the default setting is 360p; you can go all the way up to 1080p without losing your place in the playback). In addition, there are three sizes available for the video screen: normal, expanded, and full-screen.
I also love that their media player pauses the video when in full-screen mode by pressing the space bar (as it should!). thanks to God, you don’t have to deal with annoying ads every time you pause. Although it may appear as though this should be obvious, far too many porn sites have not implemented the space bar pause; Additionally, too many porn sites force you to click on ads just for pausing the video.
Boner Killers In terms of advertisements, Cliphunter still features them throughout their website, despite the fact that they do not interfere with your video viewing experience. They do appear to the left (above the category list) and toward the bottom of the home page, as well as to the right and underneath the recommended videos on a video page. However, unlike popups and popunders, none of them are overly intrusive.
Even though the ads could be much worse, it would be preferable not to have to advertise to it at all when trying to spank it. Especially since numerous advertisements appear to promote boner pills. I don’t know why I’m trying to buy Viagra or Cialis while I’m holding my hard cock. Ironically, these advertisements actually make me weaker by making me think about erectile dysfunction and, even worse, the poor old guys who suffer from it. Cliphunter, that’s not what I’m trying to think about when I watch porn!
The fact that many of the videos on Cliphunter, at least those that appear to be featured on the homepage, are shorter than I would like (often between 5 and 15 minutes) is the only other major drawback. There are a lot of longer clips there, but you kind of have to look hard to find them. In the category pages, you can sort by duration, but not on the home page. As a result, I have a suggestion for Cliphunter: add a button to the featured home page videos that lets me filter by length. This would really emphasize the point, as the website is well-organized and user-friendly in every other way!
Overall, Cliphunter is a great tube site that has high-quality video clips of the hottest girls currently in the industry, is user-friendly, and expertly designed. There is absolutely no nonsense here; only the best is presented. Cliphunter is unquestionably a good option if you want to quickly get your fap on. There will be no more wasting time looking for a needle in a haystack.
Check out Cliphunter (often misspelled as „cliphunters,“ „cliphinter,“ „cluphunter,“ and „cliohunter“) today and get a quick fap in before your lunch date if you can stomach the Cialis advertisements and don’t care so much about watching full-length feature pornos! Remember that, as we learned in There’s Something About Mary, you shouldn’t take a gun on a date!