SexWorkers, or r/SexWorkers on Reddit! Being a kind of bully to women is one of my reputational flaws. I mean, there are a lot of people who see me that way, but that simply isn’t true! For instance, did you know that I am against sex work? Yes, in fact, when I don’t feel like spending $100 on a dinner date and don’t know if I’ll stick it out or not by the end of the night, I just schedule a session with an escort! The only thing is that I actually think of them as enormous sluts and whores, but that’s all. /r/SexWorkers is the place to go if you want to learn more about sex workers and get to know them.
Every other night, whores change their dicks. I know what you’re thinking: You’re going to be so mean to these girls, The Porn Dude, and then you’re going to suggest that we check out a subreddit just for them? To that, I must respond: Yes!” In point of fact, I believe you ought to go there and be even more mean to them. These sluts have the erroneous belief that just because they are selling their bodies suggests that they are the owners of a bad business. At the same time, they believe that every girl who has free sex with men is being manipulated into doing so. No hoe! While big Ed hits you, those girls are having sex with hot, macho men like me!
One of the reasons I judge these whores so harshly is the inordinate number of small cocks on fay dudes they have sucked. I mean, it’s fine with me if you want to have free sex with guys. You can be a whore, still, yet that would simply be assuming you’re overdoing it with changing the rooster you’re having inside you each fucking day. I have to say that the women on /r/SexWorkers are selling their bodies at a very low price to the wrong people. The majority of men they meet are disgusting pigs like Porn Geek. Fortunately, he does not have enough money to pay for escorts.
Too much stubbornness and snobby sluts. Regardless, let’s learn more about these sex workers and hear what they have to say. It turns out that they are also aware that a lot of their customers are overweight. In point of fact, it is one of the primary concepts discussed in this sub. Chicks who come here like to whine about their jobs as though they are actually working in a coal mine and sucking dicks for money. Listen, sluts—that includes everyone who posts on /r/SexWorkers—you are not unique, and you certainly do not have a difficult job. You don’t even have a job, in fact. Simply having sex is what you’re doing. Sex exists for all! Well, everybody except Porn Geek. Yes, you are not unique in any way, and the position you hold is simply human nature.
Imagine if I had a job that could breathe. That is not work! That is simply an essential human function! What next? A job that only deals with food? They probably already had that one figured out, and they were trying to say which flavors are better than others with some kind of retarded fat guy. Regardless, ignore all that noise. Instead of just lying there and getting fucked, real work requires you to put in some effort. Now, I’m not going to say that there isn’t skill in sex, but the girls on /r/SexWorkers act like it’s hard to do when the majority of the women I’ve fucked are good in bed.
If you want, you can learn more about sex workers. Now, listen to me. I’m not here to criticize prostitutes. Despite the fact that I continued to criticize them, it appears that I began my review with that sentiment. I am not attempting to imply that they ought not to exist. In fact, I think their service is pretty good. But I still feel kind of gross when I fuck one because I know that some fat brat was in her before I did, maybe even 30 minutes before! Because of this, I always prefer to pursue chicks at the club first. Even though they have sex with a different dick every night, at least they have taste in men. I’ll be in good company with the other macho guys, at least.
So, is it even worth checking out /r/SexWorkers? I mean, if you want to learn more about this „line of work“ and what these young ladies are thinking, then yes. You can learn a lot from these slobs, and one of the most important lessons is how to communicate with them to have the best escort experience. Rely on me; If you’re always into fucking escorts, this could change your life. And listen, if you want to learn more about escorts before actually fucking one, this is the right place to go because knowing these things can be very important to some people.
However, this does not necessitate spending an excessive amount of time just prospecting about fucking a slut without actually doing so and instead looking at /r/SexWorkers. Even if you’re fucking escorts, there are times when you just have to dive headfirst into whatever it is you want to do. Look at me; the last time I actually spent time on this submarine, all I did was laugh at how stupid these women are. Now, I have to say that sex worker babes are actually smarter than the majority of girls because they at least get paid to have sex, but they are also dumb because they think they are smarter than the guys who fuck them.
If you think that women are smarter than men in any way, you can’t be serious. I am going to tell you the truth, which is that girls are dumb bitches regardless of which way you turn them, despite the fact that I am aware that this is exactly what the 125,000 individuals who are subscribed to this sub will tell you. Because their pea brain doesn’t seem to be able to comprehend any kind of manipulation or nonsense like that, you can easily get what you want out of them. They can’t do anything about it. The fact that these women now believe they are all powerful when in fact they are not is the fault of dumb men who pay these women to have sex with them.
Last but not least, let’s take a look at the design of these sex workers‘ subreddit, /r/SexWorkers. Despite the fact that they are not at all classy, it appears that they chose some sort of elegant avatar. I’d like to know what makes it so elegant to have your pussy stuffed by a large or, even worse, a small cock. When you consider that you’re just doing it for the money, you really have to think of these escorts as common whores who can’t think of a better way to use their pussy. The best use for it would be to make a big catch, marry the man, and get the money when he dies. I would do that.
Unfortunately, manipulating wealthy men like me is pretty difficult! You might believe that you are manipulating me, but in reality, I am the one in charge. And just as you try to draw me in and make me fall for you, I kick you like a slut, and you’re gone for good. Similar to how this subreddit will no longer be a part of my life for good. It is entertaining from time to time, but I don’t think I can really enjoy myself here enough because they haven’t really added any good design choices. Additionally, there are no flairs to distinguish memes from discussions.