Roulette with celebs! Pornstars are aware that every time they watch their films, their fans damage their eyesight and grow palm hair. What about ordinary, so-called „clean“ celebrities? Even though she hasn’t pointed her beaver at the camera, Eliza Dushka is certain to be aware that people are running away from her. While you beat Eliza Dushka and other celebrities at Celebs Roulette, it’s something to think about.
The website has been around for about four years, and nearly 3 million people visit it every month. That is a significant number of horny motherfuckers attempting to view famous titties. It’s funny that the rest of the Internet is all about pornstars showcasing their goods, but you just don’t like it? Ah, I understand that the heart wants what it wants. Let’s get started.
On Tap: Nude Celeb Videos The wall of porn you see on every other video site is on CelebsRoulette’s main page. Nude Celebs Videos Are Watched in the upper half, and New Naked Celebs Scenes are at the bottom.
Since there is neither a Random nor a Roulette button in the header, I suppose the closest we will get to a built-in fake roulette is in the Being Watched section. CelebsRoulette, come on, it’s in your name. You are aware that people will search for the feature.
There is a pretty delectable selection of content currently being viewed, according to me. In nine and a half weeks, someone is waxing the carrot to Kim Basinger. In Ma Ma, another immoral individual is flogging the bishop to Penelope Cruz. In Women in Love, I’d like to express my gratitude to whoever was giving Rosamund Pike the monkey spanking. I had no idea that beautiful, dead-eyed woman had ever worn it in a movie.
I was hooked on even more nonsense after watching the new scenes. Did you know that Patricia Arquette went barefoot? Also in 1988, Patricia Arquette is at her best. I’ll have to return to that later. I’m a happy motherfucker because there’s another Rosamund Pike scene in there as well.
CelebsRoulette tracks which celebrities have appeared naked in movies, but it focuses on famous women rather than men. CelebsRoulette has you covered if you’re looking for every nude scene Aubrey Plaza has done. For instance, you won’t find a comprehensive list of every film in which Harvey Keitel portrayed his dick.
Having said that, the man is really committed to male full-frontal nudity on screen. Harvey Keitel has appeared in nearly 300 films, and while not many people are aware of this, he has displayed his penis in each and every one of them. Because it isn’t on CelebsRoulette, you can look it up if you don’t believe me!
Rosamund Pike Is A Potential Sex Doll I went to see Gone Girl with a girl I was trying to bang. The blue balls would have been bad enough without her, but I had a boner throughout the entire fucking movie. Rosamund Pike has the air of a Living Sex Doll. She has no flaws at all and never blinks. Please correct me if you watch any of her films.
Naturally, as soon as I saw her on CelebsRoulette, I had to watch one of her scenes. I hadn’t heard of Women in Love before now, even though it came out in 2011. It doesn’t sound like something I would enjoy. That would be a completely different tale if it were titled Women in an Anal-Fisting Threesome.
The player that plays the video is simple and clean. My pop-up blocker stopped any ads I was supposed to see first.
Pike and a guy are in the bathtub at the beginning of the scene. Although the image is sufficiently sexy, I am forced to silence the sound due to various feelings and lady-related issues. Thankfully, she emerges from the tub barefoot and engages in sexual activity with a buff man a few seconds later. I can tell that this guy has erectile dysfunction, but I was tough enough to scratch a car.
Actually, it’s a montage of scenes from this movie or series, I’m not sure. She is skinny dipping with a different broad in another scene. In the water, she is fully covered in makeup, as one would expect from a Humanoid Sex Android. Neither pond water nor a hot jizz eruption will remove it.
At the conclusion of the montage, some of the best moments are shown once more, but this time in slow motion. Even though sex-doll technicians designed Rosamund’s perfect, bouncy little tits, I still haven’t seen the supposedly human actress blink.
Also Including… Who?
Okay, the odd thing about Celebs Roulette is as follows: I specifically mentioned the celebrities I noticed on the front page for a reason. One reason is that Rosamund Pike just does it for me, and seeing her naked makes me happy. The additional, more significant reason is that I simply did not recognize any of the other „celebrities.“
You can see celebrities naked on a celebrity website, which is part of its appeal. First, you watch them on TV or in a movie, which makes you think bad things about them. Then, you check a website like CelebsRoulette to see if they have any scenes in which they are naked.
I’ve refreshed the front page, and I recognize a few new names. I’m going to have to check out some content on CelebsRoulette from Jennifer Lawrence, Elizabeth Olsen, and Rachel McAdams.
The remaining videos appear to be hot. In fact, some of them appear to be pure porno. It’s just that none of the other „celebrities“ are familiar to me.
The list includes a Nymphomaniac scene. The film is essentially a pornographic art film. Shia LaBeouf is in it, but he claims that during post-production, it was actually a pornstar’s dick that was computerized in. Since „his character“ couldn’t make it up, I’d probably say the same thing.
If you click on videos at random, it appears that many of them have a similar wine-and-cheese vibe. I’m so glad that nowadays the art scum are outspoken perverts. Also, I don’t have to sit through stuffy art films to see the parts that penetrate, thanks to websites like CelebsRoulette.
Who, seriously?
The Top Categories, Top Sites, and Top Models sidebar can be found on the left if you leave the main page. Things you’d expect to find in the top categories include classic movie scenes and nudity and sex in television shows. You know, stuff for celeb websites.
PlayBoyTV, LustCinema, and BoundHeat are among the most popular websites on CelebsRoulette. That explains why so many videos simply appear to be pornographic. It turns out that they are in fact porno. Yes, I enjoy porn, but including that seems to add noise. Isn’t that why people come to see celebrities? I might be wrong.
The Top Models simply baffle me. I’ve never heard of any of the „Top Models“ on the CelebsRoulette website. Sue Lana? Pappei Pau? Bembe, Lina? WTF?
Because I thought Samantha Bentley at least sounded familiar, I clicked on her. CelebsRoulette features her in two scenes.
Yes, exactly. Now I understand why Samantha Bentley seemed familiar to me. Having said that, she is not really what people are looking for when they try to send their spam to a celebrity website. When people want to send their trash to a porn site, Samantha Bently is the person they want.
More pornstars can be found in the Models section, where you can watch their scenes on CelebsRoulette. You won’t recognize any of the names in this bizarre gallery. The majority only have a black box for a thumbnail and no image.
There is some excellent celeb content on, which is frequently misspelled as „celebsroullette,“ but you need to know which famous broads you are looking for. The site has a decent selection of pornstars and a lot of good content, but if you want a real celebrity wank session, it might get in the way.